Strategi Penerapan Ekonomi Pancasila dalam Pemberdayaan UMKM Menuju Transformasi Era Digital di Masa Pandemi
Strategy for the Implementation of the Pancasila Economy in Empowering MSMEs Towards Digital Era Transformation in the Pandemic Period
Pandemi Covid 19 berdampak terhadap berbagai sektor terutama di sektor ekonomi. Dampak perekonomian ini tidak hanya di rasakan secara domestik, namun juga terjadi secara global. Strategi pemasaran dalam berwirausaha pada sektor ekonomi kreatif yang dilakukan oleh UMKM yang merupakan kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh rakyat, dimana rakyat secara swadaya mengelola sumberdaya ekonomi yang mereka kuasai. UMKM saat ini sedang berubah pemasarannya menuju era globalisasi (online) dengan memasarkan produknya melalui market place. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui penerapan ekonomi berbasis Pancasila yang berubah menuju era digital dan kepedulian pemerintah daerah terhadap UMKM di masa pandemi. Artikel ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan dengan mengelaborasi berbagai literatur dan jurnal, dan publikasi di internet. Hasil analisis pada artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa pengembangan UMKM digital telah menjadi alternatif penyelamatan sekaligus pengembangan kewirausahaan digital di Indonesia pada masa pandemi Covid. Pengembangan UMKM digital juga menjadi salah satu strategi agar UMKM tetap eksis di masa pandemi Covid-19. Berbagai program pengembangan digitalisasi UMKM dapat mempercepat proses transformasi digital dalam ekosistem ekonomi digital Pancasila di Indonesia. Faktor pendukung dalam berwirausaha di sektor ekonomi kreatif yang menerapkan sistem ekonomi berbasis ekonomi Pancasila pada masa pandemi Covid-19 adalah promotion, service excellet, customers rewards, afiliasi atau kemitraan dan modal sosial.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on various sectors, especially in the economic sector. This economic impact is not only felt domestically, but also globally. Marketing strategy in entrepreneurship in the creative economy sector carried out by SMEs which is an economic activity carried out by the people, where the people independently manage the economic resources they control. SMEs are currently changing their marketing towards the era of globalization (online) by marketing their products through the market place. The purpose of this study is to determine the application of a Pancasila-based economy that is changing towards the digital era and the local government's concern for SMEs during the pandemic. This article uses the literature study method by elaborating various literatures and journals, and publications on the internet. The results of the analysis in this article conclude that the development of digital SMEs has become an alternative to saving as well as developing digital entrepreneurship in Indonesia during the Covid pandemic. The development of digital SMEs is also one of the strategies so that SMEs can still exist during the Covid-19 pandemic. Various SME digitalization development programs can accelerate the digital transformation process in the Pancasila digital economy ecosystem in Indonesia. Supporting factors in entrepreneurship in the creative economy sector that implement a Pancasila-based economic system during the Covid-19 pandemic are promotion, excellent service, customer rewards, affiliations or partnerships and social capital.
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